Table Topics invites you to browse our broad selection of design features for custom commercial dining tables.

Table #EC010

Table Topics-EC010
Material: Burled, Reconstituted
Finish: Satin ACRALYTE
Inset: Reconstituted Walnut Burl Veneer
Frame: 1/4" x 1 3/4" Painted
Profile: Thin Eased
Trim: NA
Decor: Bronze Bling Edge Treatment

Table #EC011

Table Topics-EC011
Material: Reconstituted, Veneer
Finish: Satin ACRALYTE
Inset: Zebrano Moltranio Veneer to Edge
Frame: 1 3/4" Thick / Zebrano Veneer
Profile: Square Eased
Trim: NA

Table #EC012

Natural Wood Edge Coffee Table
Material: Macassar Ebony, Reconstituted
Finish: Gloss ACRALYTE
Inset: Reconstituted Macassar Ebony Veneer
Frame: Reconstituted Macassar Ebony Veneer
Profile: Thin Eased
Trim: NA

Table #EC017

tables ec017
Material: Digital Image, Reconstituted
Finish: Satin ACRALYTE
Inset: Planked & Stained Sorghum Board
Frame: Solid Color
Profile: Square Eased

Table #PV204

Table Topics-PV204
Material: Reconstituted
Finish: None
Inset: Zebrano Moltranio Veneer to Edge
Frame: 1 3/4" Thick / Zebrano Veneer
Profile: Thin Eased
Trim: NA
Decor: Multi-Directional Veneer Pattern

Table #PV308

table pv308
Material: Macassar Ebony, Reconstituted
Finish: Matte ACRALYTE
Inset: Reconstituted Macassar Veneer Diamondbox
Frame: Reconstituted Macassar Veneer
Profile: Thin Eased
Decor: Faux Glass Inlay

You dream, we build.

Please contact us today! We look forward to learning about your custom restaurant table design needs.

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